Saturday, November 12, 2016

Managing Conflict

It is inevitable, conflict will arise in any aspect of your life, sometimes when you are least expecting it.  When you're married you don't have the easy ways out of the conflict though. For example, when you are engaged and you get into a fight, you or your significant other can easily run away to your own home and you don't have to deal with the conflict at hand right away.  When you're married though, you're not going to be able to run away to a different house, you're going to have to figure out a way that works for your marriage to work through the conflicts.

What are some ways that you could work through conflict, or avoid it altogether:

1) Communication, communication, communication.  You need to learn the best way to communicate between the two of you.  Not everyone has the same communication styles, but you need to work out a way that works for you as a couple.

2) Expressing yourself before you hit your boiling point. Just like water has a certain temperature that it will begin to boil we as humans have a certain point where we can take so much before we react badly.

3) Trust. I think that with the larger amount of trust in a marriage, the less likely it would be to experience a large conflict in marriage.

4) Continue growing your relationship.  Just because you are married does not mean that you suddenly know everything about the other person. So if you can continue to grow your relationship through dating each other, and conversing with one another you will be able to know how you each respond to things better.

5) Discuss a problem. Each spouse should be able to discuss the problem at hand before you try and solve the problem.  Sometimes discussing it is the key to solving it.

All in all, conflict is inevitable.  You'll face it in some sort of way, at some point in life.  You just need to figure out how you will manage it and work though it, and it can be a learning experience for oyu.

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