Saturday, October 1, 2016


I am not married, and I don't see marriage in my near future, so I am not here to claim that I know the answers to any questions, or that I even have any knowledge on these subjects.  I do however enjoy learning and furthering my intellect, so I am hoping that through this class I will be able to prepare myself for marriage in the future.

It seems like every girl dreams of the day they will step into a white dress from the time they are very young.  Teenagers spend their time day dreaming of the person they're going to marry.  Older teens and young adults spend their time planning their perfect Pinterest wedding, making sure that every detail from the venue right down to the shoes on their feet are just perfect.  I will admit that I have a Pinterest board full of green succulents, babies breath, all things ivory, lanterns, and barn venues; hoping for the day I can plan the ultimate event of my life.

Somewhere along the way though, we forget about the marriage part and become focused solely on the wedding.  A wedding lasts for a day, a marriage should last for eternity.   What are we doing to prepare ourselves to spend eternity with another person.  Eternity is a very long time, a very very long time.  The world wants you to believe that divorce is okay, that if you can't stand to stay around a certain person that you can just get up and leave.  It is scary to think that it has become so easy for people to leave.  There are circumstances where it is necessary for you to leave, I understand that.  But there are many circumstances where it is simply the easy way out to leave, this life isn't meant to be easy, marriage isn't meant to be easy.

Are you preparing yourself in the same way you hope your dream spouse is preparing themselves? That is something that I sometimes forget about.   If you have ever spent time in the young women's program you may be all too familiar with the lesson where you write down a list of qualities you want in your perfect man.   Just because you have a list you can't rely on that solely.  You should be finding those qualities within yourself so that you are an example of what you want.  You can't expect to find a valiant member of the church ready to marry you if you are not searching for ways to be a valiant member yourself.

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